Dozens of Patients Released From Hospital Forced

>> Thursday, November 11, 2010

The Gift
A private hospital in Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi, forcing dozens of patients who were treating to leave the hospital. This action was taken because the hospital's operating license has expired. in addition, these hospitals have not discovered an adequate service facilities.

Quiet atmosphere at Griya Husada Hospital which is located at Jalan Bakti Saosao Kendari. in a number of hospital corridors established in 2000 it looked deserted. Almost all of the empty treatment room.

Some patients are left to tell, since last night, the hospital management asked them to immediately leave the treatment room for no apparent reason.

Rosmawati, a patients with high blood pressure, said he arrived at the hospital last night. But just went to the infirmary and have not had time to get treatment, a hospital nurse asked the patient to get out and leave the hospital.

Dozens of patients who were treated later that night, immediately leave the hospital. But there are some patients including Rosmawati requested waivers in order to stay overnight and just left the hospital earlier in the day.

When about to be confirmed, none of the management of hospitals, including the nurses who are willing to be interviewed.

Related Griya Hospital management actions that are considered abandoned Bakti Husada patients, the Health Department will soon conduct koordinas Kendall and inquired the manager of the hospital.

According to the Chief Medical Officer Kendall, Dr. Maryam Rufiah, the results of inspections carried out his side last week, an operating permit Bakti Husada Griya Hospital has expired since January 2010. Not only that, hospitals are also caught not have the facilities waste water treatment plant (WWTP).

On that basis, Griya Hospital Bakti Husada violating law number 44 year 2009 about the hospital and Regulation of the Minister of Health the number 147 of 2010 on hospital services. Dedy kurniawan



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