Suspected Terrorists, Seven Network Member of Malaysia arrested

>> Thursday, August 6, 2009

By Line : dedy kurniawan

Seven people arrested Malaysian police in the District Konawe, Southeast Sulawesi. From the results of the examination, to seven people are doing that mission propaganda. However, when examined, police found a number of phone numbers of two of them in the name of Hambali and Doctor Azhari.

When arrested, seven of Malaysia to the whole sorban wear robes and conduct activities that are religious.

Shortly after the seven people arrested to malaysia direct examination of the marathon at the police station Konawe examination room.

Review process itself is a bit constrained due to the seven residents of Malaysia is not entirely understand the question asked investigators.

In the meantime, to seven people accused of malaysia violate immigration laws. However, when the police search the content of the bag belonging to the seven residents of Malaysia, found a number of phone numbers that two of them suspected of belonging to Hambali and Doctor Azhari, two leaders of terrorist bombing bali



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