The Fate Gold Miner Wild In Bombana
>> Saturday, August 1, 2009
By Line: dedy kurniawan
Like saying fall is also struck down the stairs, as that is the fate that is now experienced by hundreds of gold in the wild Miner Bombana regency, Southeast Sulawesi.
Not how, far they come from outside the Southeast Sulawesi using aircraft or ships at sea, but until they are exactly Bombana chase each team formation the local government.
Unfortunately again, the gold Miner ascertained that almost all do not have official permission from the government, have to pay millions of rupiah to a number of wonderful people who are suddenly claim to have up to hundreds of hectares of land in the area such as gold mines in the droppings Ite and Wumbubangka.
Those who claim to this land owner later revealed as the migrants are also in the area. However, the gold Miner wild confess this is not powerless, for the average people who claim to land owners that have some bouncer who often carry machete or cleaver to go everywhere.
Ironically, the land that is claimed to be in the area of mining concessions owned by companies that have no official permission from the government's power Pertambangan form.
Not surprisingly, in addition to millions of rupiah losers, many of the gold Miner this every day are worried because the team chase each mine that the government considers them a gold Miner wild. If caught, not only be confiscated equipment, tents or huts where the gold Miner wild live also burned.
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