Tappareng Pasongi, Only That Dares Can Enjoy

>> Friday, April 24, 2015

Goa entire wall in the hill village of Tapperang Pasongi New Chain, Chain District of Wind, North Kolaka clean white. Now aura began to fade because its existence jusru used most irresponsible elements. Many stories mystical in it. In the language of local, Goa Pasongi interpreted as sea burrow upheld. The distance from Lasusua, Kolut capital of approximately 41 kilometers. To access the natural attractions, visitors should menitip vehicles at home villagers. These are only limited to the location of the cave shaft lane Trans-Sulawesi Kolaka East Luwu. Visitors will "enjoy" explore footpath uphill splitting the thick weeds. Plural cave, ceiling and base Tappareng Pasongi was decorated with stalactites and stalagnig exotic. Splash of water from the tip of the cone rock formed from running the ball clear audible to the ear pounding. Swiftlet voice was blared and fluttering to and fro. If measured, broad mouth of the cave is estimated that approximately 20-30 square meters and facing the direction of the setting sun. Inside the cave there is a deep pool of clear water up to the neck adults. To enter, visitors will walk downhill with a slope of 80 degrees with a 15 meters from the mouth of the cave. The place is frequented by people to simply unwind and cleanse the body by bathing. Several people could be seen carrying a sack containing boulders complete with hammer in hand. They hunt stone ornament ring to be the current trend. Bette who claims 115 years old, Tamborasi citizens as the guardian of the cave is being ushered a woman from Bombana for release pilgrimage vows in the cave. He describes, not just a freshwater pool, where the silence of a guardian disclosed but without explaining clearly the subject. Goa was having stomach or wide space in size and resembles the shape of a mosque. To get there required a flashlight with swimming and walking bent. Rarely people can penetrate up to the gate disclosed inhabited by many "keepers" such as snakes and centipedes. Only a brave person who would explore the halls of the cave was pitch black. The hull of the cave consists of two tunnels. The existence of a statue which was considered like people are sitting bertahiyyat (worship) was also in position where steeper. Somebody must need a rope to descend vertically. In that place there is also an underground river flowing quite clear. If described, there are several paths that occupy spaces of air pockets in the object that has lines each and terraced. Meanwhile, in a location that has a space like a mosque, stated there is a gate-filled decor. Inside are the heirlooms and the like along with a carving calligraphy berlafaz Allah and Muhammad is attached in the walls. Bette who claimed to be a former guard Kahar Muzakkar horse in his life that revolves around, the color characteristic Tappareng cave was once sparkling. The water in the cave many people take immigrants as an antidote to witchcraft (black magic). The place was said to have known a lot of people from outside Sultra like Kajang and several other places in South Sulawesi with a visit in person. Unfortunately, when this place was still visible abandoned because the local government has not mengkomersilkannya because they have limited budgets.



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I am a worker one of the national TV media in Indonesia. Work that I do have since 1999. For me the blog is because so many stories and interesting and important moment that I met during the making coverage in Southeast Sulawesi. I hope that this blog can benefit many people, at least for my own.

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