Enchantment of the Mangrove Rawa Aopa Buried

>> Friday, July 16, 2010

Kids Headquarters - Licensed apparel Boys 2-7 Toy Story T-Shirt,Black,5Visiting to National Park Rawa Aopa Watumohai (TNRA), it seems incomplete if it does not explore the mangrove forest area to be one prima donna in the park ecosystem.

National Park which is located in Southeast Sulawesi province, covering 105 194 ha and stretching store a variety of distinctive charm to the ecosystem level of biological diversity is quite high.

The area is in the set as a National Park based on Forestry Ministerial Decree No. 756/kpts-II/1990 this, the limit had been set up since year 1985 till 1987 with the overall length limit of 366 674 km located in four districts namely Konawe, Kolaka, WakatobiRegency and Bombana.

This national park has a mangrove ecosystem which stretches about 24 kilometers along the coast Lanowulu, ranging from Raroraya River estuary to the river with an area of 6173 hectares Langkowala.

To reach this area of mangrove ecosystem takes about three hours drive from the city of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi provincial capital, with a mileage of approximately 125 km and is followed by a motorized fishing boats or katinting for approximately 15-30 minutes. From the boat we enjoyed the cool mangrove forest area fee that is most widespread in the region of Southeast Sulawesi

Lush and green this area because it is dominated by mangroves, such as black mangrove, white mangrove, and tangir tongke. Various plant species also grow in this region such as Unga, Unga and jars, so that the main attraction in this region to explore by boat.

A number of mammals and reptiles such as buffalo, wild boar, deer, crocodiles, lizards and snakes are also fields in this habitat. Various species of water birds such as aroweli, of Little Snake, Purple Heron, heron and grouse also inhabit this region.

The beauty of the natural panorama of lush mangrove forests with regular zoning is naturally neat, brackish marsh with an area of about 1 to 4 hectares, more and add to the beauty and uniqueness of mangrove ecosystems TNRAW.

Because of the uniqueness and biodiversity that are owned, this region is very well suited for recreational activities such as ecotourism, photo hunting, fishing, diving, snorkeling, swimming and sunbathing.

Unfortunately, the charm of beauty, the unique and important value held by this TNRAW, still buried by the lack of promotion of this region and still fell on the problems of limited infrastructure and facilities for tourists.

The threat of forest destruction, as well dikwatirkan, along with its potentiality is always evocative of human desire to indulge in it. TNRAW this area does have a tremendous asset that needs to be guarded and preserved, because if not, the enchantment will stay be memorable and will be buried forever along with the lack of management and promotion of tourism potential of the charm of this mangrove forest.



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I am a worker one of the national TV media in Indonesia. Work that I do have since 1999. For me the blog is because so many stories and interesting and important moment that I met during the making coverage in Southeast Sulawesi. I hope that this blog can benefit many people, at least for my own.

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